Идиомы на букву R

  • run interference
    вступаться за кого-либо; вмешиваться, с целью защитить кого-либо
    My boss never runs interference on his employees to protect them.
  • rub (someone's) nose in (something)
    постоянно напоминать кому-либо об ошибках, промашках
    To err is human, and I don't understand why my boss rubs my nose in it if I make a mistake.
  • raise a fuss
    устроить скандал, поднять шум
    Miss Muffed likes raising a fuss over trifles.
  • run (something) into the ground
    испортить, довести что-либо до ручки
    Tom ran his computer into the ground and had to buy another one.
  • rise to the bait
    попадаться на удочку
    Julian inevitably rises to the bait whenever someone offers him something.
  • run for it
    удирать, спасаться бегством
    When the soldiers started shooting, they ran for it and tried to get to the shelter of the nearest building.
  • rule (someone) with an iron fist
    управлять кем-либо железной рукой
    Mr. Domby ruled his household with an iron fist.
  • run an ad
    опубликовать рекламу, объявление
    The computer firm ran an ad to tell the public about the new service.
  • right out
    (сказать) прямо, без обиняков
    I told my friend right out that I did not like the way he behaves in public places.
  • run through (money or something)
    неразумно истратить, промотать (деньги или что-либо)
    He ran through his entire inheritance in less than a year.
  • run like clockwork
    отлично работать (как часы)
    We installed new equipment and it runs like clockwork.
  • reluctant to (do something)
    делать что-либо с неохотой
    I was reluctant to lend my cousin 200 dollars as I know he is reluctant to pay it back soon.
  • ramble on about (someone or something)
    рассусоливать, жаловаться на что-либо
    It bores me to death to hear my cousin rambling on about her family problems.
  • right on
    верно, правильно
    Tim could hardly refrain from saying 'right on' every time the director mentioned some facts in his report.
  • run scared
    опасаться (провала, неудачи)
    I have been running scared in my attempt to be promoted.
  • run (someone) out
    заставить кого-либо уйти, исключить
    The police ran the hooligans out of our area.
  • ripe old age
    очень старый возраст
    Miss Wodoo was able to live to a ripe old age; she died at the age of 107.
  • right away
    тот час же, сразу, прямо сейчас
    "You needn't go to the bank right away; you can do it later."
  • run rampant
    вырастать до угрожающих размеров, выходить из-под контроля
    The use of drugs is running rampant in our town.
  • right on time
    точно вовремя
    The plane arrived at the airport right on time.
  • run around
    бегать по разным местам
    On Christmas Eve I ran around all day, buying presents for relatives and friends.
  • raise one's sights
    ставить перед собой цель
    I did pretty well at my final exams, and now I am raising my sights on getting a good job.
  • run through (something)
    устраивать прослушивание, просмотр чего-либо
    They ran through the first scene once more to make sure everybody knew their part well.
  • return the compliment
    ответить комплиментом на комплимент
    Jenny returned the compliment to her classmate who began to praise her diligence.
  • raise the ante
    поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка – деньги на кону перед началом игры)
    The Chief Executive had to raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.
  • read (someone's) lips
    внимательно слушать кого-либо и верить тому, что говориться
    The teacher told the students to read her lips and listen carefully to what she was saying.
  • run out of patience
    кончилось терпение
    Jim is a very tolerant man, but even he has run out of patience when his wife spent all of their money on trifles.
  • run into
    выразиться в определённой сумме (об убытках)
    The damages were shocking; they ran into thousands of dollars.
  • resign oneself to something
    подчиняться (неохотно) чему-либо, покориться
    George resigned himself to the fact that he would probably not see Tina again.
  • rub (something) in
    напоминать (всё время) о чём-либо
    "I know it was a foolish thing for me to do, but you don't have to keep rubbing it in."
  • read the riot act (to someone)
    строго предупредить кого-либо
    The mother read the riot act to the kids; she told them that if they didn't stop making noise, they'd get it hot.
  • real McCoy
    подлинная вещь
    Jim was sure that the picture he had bought at the auction was the real McCoy.
  • run over (someone or something)
    переехать, задавить кого-либо \ что-либо
    It was pitch dark when Tim was driving along a country road, and he didn't notice that he had run over a fox.
  • run away with (someone)
    сбежать с кем-либо, уйти от мужа
    Joanna ran away with Mark and they got married in two months.
  • ruffle its feathers
    взъерошить перья
    A cat was looking at the bird which was sitting on a branch and ruffling its feathers.