Идиомы на букву R

  • run away with (something)
    убежать с чем-либо, увлечься чем-либо
    The maid ran away with the duchess's jewels.
  • run up (something)
    поднимать что-либо (при помощи верёвки)
    Seeing a ship on the horizon, they ran up a flag of distress.
  • run afoul of (someone or something)
    попасть в беду из-за кого-либо \ чего-либо, запутаться, преступить закон
    Jeremy got involved in a car fraud and ran afoul of the law.
  • rule (someone) out of order
    лишить кого-либо слова (на собрании)
    The chairman ruled the speaker out of order because the latter began to deviate from the point.
  • read (something) through
    прочесть, дочитать до конца
    She read the typed letter through again.
  • receive (someone) with open arms
    встретить кого-либо с распростертыми объятиями
    When my friends came to visit us, we welcomed them with open arms.
  • rise to the occasion
    оказаться на высоте положения
    The job was challenging, but I managed to rise to the occasion and do it very well.
  • raise havoc with (someone or something)
    создавать неразбериху, нарушать что-либо
    The storm raised havoc with our plans to go boating.
  • root for (someone or something)
    болеть за кого-либо \ что-либо (в спорте)
    They came to the stadium to root for their favorite football team.
  • round off a number
    округлить цифру
    I had to round off the number as it was much too big.
  • roll around
    происходить в положенный срок
    Every time that their wedding anniversary rolls around, they throw a big party.
  • run to (an amount of money)
    достигать (определённой суммы)
    The cost of redecorating my apartment ran to more money than I could afford to pay.
  • rally around someone or something
    объединиться, чтобы поддержать кого-либо \ что-либо
    The local administration rallied around the residents of the area when they decided to build a new playground.
  • roll in
    приходить в большом количестве
    The letters with Christmas greetings have been rolling in since the middle of December.
  • run in (somewhere)
    навестить, забежать, заглянуть (куда-либо)
    "Why don't you run in to see me some day?"
  • rail at (someone) about (something)
    жаловаться кому-либо на что-либо
    The man at the bus station was railing at the ticket clerk about the bad service.
  • riding high
    привлекать внимание, пользоваться большой популярностью
    The pop singer has been riding high among his fans.
  • raise an objection (to/about someone or something)
    выразить протест кому-либо, о чём-либо
    Sam Craft, the defense lawyer, raised an objection about the testimony of the main witness.
  • RSVP
    Respondez S'il Vous Plait - просьба ответить (пометка на письменном приглашении)
    The invitation to the conference said RSVP, so Emma quickly sent off a note to say that she would not be able to attend.
  • ring down the curtain on (something)
    закончить что-либо, положить конец
    A few more matters were accomplished and the curtain was rung down on the session.
  • run circles/rings around (someone)
    опережать кого-либо, превосходить
    Adam runs circles around the other students in his class.
  • reach first base
    сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Jameson was not able to reach first base with his partner.
  • ring up (something)
    пробить что-либо (в кассе)
    The shop assistant told me to go the cash register so that the cashier could ring up the items I had bought.
  • ready, willing, and able
    сильно желающий, жаждущий сделать что-либо
    After the terrible hurricane a lot of people were ready, willing, and able to help the local population.
  • RIP
    Rest In Peace - покойся с миром (надпись на могиле)
    I looked at the gravestone and saw the inscription RIP on it.
  • ride (something) out
    вытерпеть что-либо (неприятное), переждать
    It was very cold in the mountains, and we were not able to ride out the bad weather.
  • rub out (someone or something)
    стирать что-либо, уничтожать кого-либо
    During the huge explosion many buildings were destroyed and about one hundred people were rubbed out.
  • ring hollow
    звучать неубедительно, казаться неправдоподобным
    I'm a captain, but without my ship this title rings a bit hollow.
    Я капитан, но без моего корабля этот титул звучит слегка неубедительно.
  • rub (something) off
    стирать что-либо (например с доски)
    The teacher wanted the student on duty to rub the words off the board.
  • round-robin letter
    петиция, на которой подписи расположены кружком (чтобы нельзя было узнать, кто подписался первым)
    They sent a round-robin letter for the city administration to get rid of garbage dumps on the outskirts.
  • rush on (something)
    большой спрос на что-либо
    There was a rush on swim suits at the beginning of summer.
  • round-trip ticket
    билет туда и обратно
    I intend to buy a round-trip ticket to Chicago as it is cheaper than a one-way ticket.
  • ride roughshod over (someone or something)
    не считаться с кем-либо \ чем-либо, помыкать, обращаться сурово
    "If you go on riding roughshod over my needs, then life is not worth living."
  • rough-and-tumble
    суматошное (обсуждение), борьба не по правилам
    Hugo was successful in his rough-and-tumble dispute with his opponent.
  • reach an agreement
    достигнуть соглашения
    They reached an agreement to supply equipment from the USA.