Идиомы на букву R
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rough up (someone)
избивать кого-либо, нападатьTwo hooligans roughed up the bartender in the Irish bar and tried to take the money.
right down/up (someone's) alley
идеально подходить кому-либоArranging a fashion show is right down my alley, and I am eager to do it.
rope (someone) into (doing something)
вовлекать кого-либо во что-либо, втягиватьI had no wish to cook the meals for the whole family, but I was roped into doing it by my Mom.
ravished with delight
испытывать счастье, приходить в восторгJill was ravished with delight when she had received a grant to go overseas to do her research.
reputed to be/do something
имеющий репутациюThe new chef is reputed to be one of the best chefs in France.
run riot/wild
буйствовать, выходить из установленных рамок; дать волю воображениюHe let his imagination run riot.
right at (a specific time/place)
(быть в) точно назначенное время или в назначенном местеThe conference began at the previously appointed time, right at 11:00 AM.
reduced to (something)
ухудшать состояние чего-либоDue to Sam's infidelities his relationship with Samantha was reduced to ashes.
rooted in (something)
корениться в чём-либо, основываться на чём-либоThe popularity of the pizza hut is rooted in its delicious pizzas.
rattle (something) off
рассказать что-либо наизусть (быстро и точно); "отбарабанить"The boy rattled off the speech which he had learnt by heart.
reliance on (someone or something)
надёжность и доверие к кому-либо \ чему-либоI never had too much reliance on my friend's word of honor.
recognize (someone or something) for what it/he/she is
распознавать, что кто-либо \ что-либо собой представляетAt first I wasn't able to recognize the new supermarket for what it is.
room and board
пансион (жильё и питание)I'd like to receive room and board as part of my salary.
round-robin tournament/contest
состязание, в котором участники выступают по очередиDuring a round-robin tournament it became evident that our team was the best team in the city.
rap with (someone)
потолковать, поболтать с кем-либоMrs. Partisan likes to pass the time rapping with her neighbors.
root (something) out
вырывать что-либо с корнемThe police have been trying to root out the selling of drugs; so far without much success.
rivet (someone's) attention
сконцентрировать своё внимание (на чём-либо)"I want you to rivet your attention to the slides you are looking through."
rarin' to go
испытывать жажду деятельностиI was rarin' to go after the encouragement my athletics coach gave me.
round-robin meeting/discussion/debate
собрание или дискуссия, в которой принимает участие каждый член группыWe are going to have a round-robin panel debate on how we can protect the environment.
reality of a situation
реальная ситуацияThe reality of a situation was that it was next to impossible to buy tickets for the ballet "Swan Lake".
ripple of excitement
волна возбуждённого шёпотаWhen he finished speaking, a long ripple of excitement passed through the audience.
rate with (someone)
быть благосклонным к кому-либоAs far as I know Sally doesn't rate with any of the students in her class; she is too arrogant and highbrow.
reckon with (someone or something)
столкнуться, иметь дело с кем-либо \ чем-либоFanny didn't want to reckon with any more troubles concerning her next door neighbors.
ruin of (someone or something)
крах кого-либо \ чего-либоI think that Sam was not much of a businessman and his poor business skills were the ruin of him.
risk of rain/showers/thunderstorms
возможность того, что пойдёт дождь; будет ливень, грозаThere was a risk of thunderstorms and they decided not to go the mountains that day.
ripple of protest
незначительный протестThere was only a ripple of protest when our boss made us stay at work after office hours.
rev (something) up
увеличивать число оборотов, "газовать"The young man was making a great deal of noise when he was revving the motor of his car up.