Идиомы на букву R

  • rake (someone) over the coals
    делать выговор; дать нагоняй, взбучку
    My father raked me over the coals when I had taken his car without his permission.
  • run around in circles
    суетиться, но мало что сделать
    Sarah had been running around in circles all day but she didn't accomplish much.
  • regular as clockwork
    с точностью часового механизма
    My aunt and her friends played cards as regular as clockwork every Sunday.
  • read the handwriting on the wall
    предвидеть что-либо (подмечая детали и намёки)
    I could easily read the handwriting on the wall, and I knew beforehand what was going to happen to our firm.
  • run wild
    выйти из повиновения, из-под контроля
    At first everything was all right, but suddenly the situation ran wild.
  • rough it
    обходиться без удобств
    They were ready to rough it for a few days on a camping trip.
  • rest on one's laurels
    почивать на лаврах
    I am not the type of person to rest on my laurels.
  • rub shoulders (with someone)
    общаться, знаться с кем-либо
    Amelia rubbed shoulders only with the famous and the rich.
  • run down (someone)
    унижать кого-либо, отзываться с пренебрежением
    "It isn't a nice thing to do to run down her friends behind their backs."
  • racked with pain
    страдать от сильной боли
    The wounded man was groaning loudly as he was racked with pain.
  • raise/up the ante
    поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка – деньги на кону перед началом игры)
    The Chief Executive had to raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.
  • read out loud
    читать вслух
    His letter was read out loud to us.
  • right side up
    правильной стороной вверх
    My car slipped onto the side of the road and rolled over, but it landed right side up when it stopped.
  • run a risk of (something)
    подвергаться риску, рисковать
    "You run a risk of losing all the money you have if you are not careful."
  • rant and rave about (someone or something)
    орать из-за кого-либо, рвать и метать из-за чего-либо
    The woman was ranting and raving about the bad service at the Ladies' Fashion Department.
  • raise its (ugly) head
    снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)
    The problem of cockroaches in our apartment raised its ugly head again.
  • risk one's neck (to do something)
    рисковать сломать шею, делая что-либо
    I risked my neck in order to rescue the cat that had climbed out onto the balcony.
  • run off at the mouth
    болтать без умолку
    Linda is the most talkative girl I have ever met; she can run off at the mouth for hours.
  • rest in peace
    покоиться с миром
    They prayed that their uncle would rest in peace after he recently passed away.
  • raise Cain
    поднимать невероятный шум, орать; дебоширить
    The soldiers sang songs and shouted and raised Cain to pass the long hours of the night.
  • read (someone's) mind
    читать чьи-либо мысли
    I tried to read my father's mind, but I couldn't make out what he was thinking about my new job.
  • rake off (some money)
    воровать деньги
    They suspected David Bronx of raking money off the company's account.
  • run into a brick wall
    натолкнуться на каменную стену
    When I decided to make some improvement in the office, I ran into a brick wall; my boss wanted to leave everything as it was.
  • run counter to (something)
    идти против чего-либо, противиться
    "Your actions run counter to what you are always saying."
  • run some tests
    брать анализы
    The doctor didn't know what the matter with the man was, so he decided to run some tests on the patient.
  • rob the cradle
    жениться или выйти замуж за человека много младше
    Sue was a very pretty girl of eighteen, and Joe was robbing the cradle when he married her.
  • ride herd on (someone)
    строго следить за кем-либо (как пастух следит за стадом)
    The head nurse was riding herd on the other nurses in the hospital.
  • run short of (something)
    кончаться, быть на исходе
    Felix was running short of cash.
  • rain (something) out
    испортить что-либо, не состояться из-за дождя
    The art festival, which was supposed to be outdoors, was rained out yesterday afternoon.
  • run over (something)
    переливаться через край
    I poured too much tea into the cup and it ran over the edge.
  • run/go to seed
    перестать развиваться, приходить в упадок
    The great efforts to improve the situation were allowed to run to seed.
  • right and left
    со всех сторон, справа и слева, повсюду
    While delivering lectures Professor Kenworth likes to quote right and left.
  • regain one's feet
    встать на ноги (после падения)
    The man stumbled over a stone and fell on the sidewalk but quickly regained his feet.
  • run up
    увеличить (сумму), увеличиться; наделать долгов
    His wife was running up heavy bills, and that upset him greatly.
  • Russian roulette
    русская рулетка, неоправданный риск
    Tony is always taking unnecessary risks; it looks as if he were constantly playing Russian roulette.