Идиомы на букву S

  • stitch in time saves nine
    то, что делается во время, экономит много труда впоследствии
    "I think you should have the roof in your house fixed before it becomes worse. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine."
  • set about to (do something or go somewhere)
    приступать, начинать (делать что-либо или идти куда-либо)
    "I want you to set about to do your work as soon as possible."
  • so to speak
    так сказать
    Greg was not a bad guy, so to speak, although few people liked him.
  • spick-and-span
    очень чистый, опрятный
    Gilda takes good care of her house; it is always spick-and-span.
  • set up shop (somewhere)
    создать рабочее место где-либо
    Desmond decided to move to Chicago and set up shop there.
  • supposed to do (something)
    предполагалось сделать что-либо
    "Am I supposed to believe all that crap?"
  • set out (somewhere)
    отправиться куда-либо
    In 1912 the Titanic set out on a voyage never to return from it.
  • stone's throw away from (something)
    очень близко от чего-либо
    The post-office is a stone's throw away from the place of my work.
  • such as it is
    такой как есть (неважного качества или не имеющий ценности)
    You can use my bicycle, such as it is, but it's not in very good condition.
  • strike (someone's) fancy
    нравиться, вызывать интерес
    I like thrillers; and the novels by Mary Higgins Clark always strike my fancy.
  • say grace
    произнести молитву (перед или после еды)
    The children were supposed to say grace before each meal.
  • steal the show/spotlight
    привлечь к себе всё внимание
    The pictures of a young talented artist stole the show at the exhibition.
  • set type
    устанавливать шрифт, набирать шрифт
    The book will be published shortly; they are setting type now.
  • sweat bullets/blood
    нервничать, очень беспокоиться
    During the interrogation the man was sweating blood.
  • shoot from the hip
    говорить прямо и откровенно, "рубить с плеча"
    Ben always shoots from the hip and as a result gets into trouble now and then.
  • sound (someone) out
    стараться выяснить чьё-либо мнение, "зондировать почву"
    Simon made it his duty to sound out the members of the staff.
  • strike a balance (between two or more things)
    находить компромисс между крайностями
    Paul was never able to strike a balance between his work and his hobby.
  • set (someone) back on his or her heels
    удивить, шокировать, ошеломить
    Hillary's impudence set me back on my heels.
  • say one's piece
    высказаться откровенно
    Linda said her piece and hurriedly left the room.
  • stand to reason
    иметь смысл, само собой разумеется
    It stands to reason that the children should spend more time outdoors.
  • shoot the works
    не жалеть затрат или усилий, чтобы сделать что-либо
    Steve's parents are planning to shoot the works with the wedding reception for their only son.
  • solid as a rock
    стабильный, заслуживающий доверия, "твёрдый как скала"
    The City bank is said to be as solid as a rock.
  • sixth sense
    шестое чувство, интуиция
    My sixth sense prevented me from trusting the man.
  • stand in awe of (someone or something)
    испытывать благоговейный трепет перед кем-либо \ чем-либо
    I stood in awe of Turner's pictures exhibited in the National Gallery in London.
  • sticky wicket
    затруднительный ситуация (досл. липкие воротца в крикете из-за дождя)
    The snow had made a sticky wicket out of the roads and there were a lot of accidents that day.
  • settle on (something)
    решиться на что-либо
    They settled on the trip to Japan.
  • stand up for (someone or something)
    отстаивать, защищать, поддерживать
    A man must be able to stand up for his rights.
  • sweet and sour
    сладко-кислый (вкус)
    I don't like dishes with a sweet and sour taste.
  • set (someone or something) loose
    отпустить кого-либо \ что-либо на волю
    I set my dog loose and he was happily running around.
  • stuck up
    быть кичливым, высокомерным
    Tim is too stuck up for my liking; he insolent and conceited.
  • set one's heart against (something)
    быть настроенным против чего-либо
    At first my mother set her heart against taking a dog from the animal shelter, but then she yielded to her son's request.
  • stop dead
    резко остановиться
    On seeing me Pam stopped dead.
  • shake (someone) down
    получить деньги путём угроз, "потрясти кого-либо"
    Lionel had to shake Noel down to get the money the latter owed him.
  • sing (someone's) praises
    превозносить кого-либо, восхвалять
    "I had a note from my mother-in-law in which she sang your praises very loudly."
  • string (someone) along
    обмануть, одурачить кого-либо
    Charley doesn't intend to marry Pat - he is just stringing her along.