Идиомы на букву S

  • stare (someone) in the face
    быть очевидным
    "Are you looking for your pen? It's on your desk, staring you in the face."
  • snake oil salesman
    продавец, пытающийся продать некачественный товар
    The car dealer is like a snake oil salesman. His second-hand cars are no good at all.
  • set tongues wagging
    сплетничать, "распустить языки"
    The conflict between Landcroft and his wife set tongues wagging around the neighborhood.
  • see the light at the end of the tunnel
    предвидеть конец чего-либо (задания, проблемы)
    The task is challenging, but I hope that finally I will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • stretch one's legs
    размять ноги
    After he had been driving for six hours, he stopped for a while to stretch his legs.
  • scratch around for (something)
    искать что-либо здесь и там
    I was scratching around for some money to pay my fare.
  • search me
    откуда я знаю
    I asked my cousin what had happened to their front door; it wouldn't close and she said, "Search me".
  • stand a chance of (doing something)
    иметь возможность делать что-либо
    Alan stood a good chance of getting the job of a computer programmer.
  • see (something) out
    дождаться конца, досидеть до конца
    It was getting late, so we decided not to see the play out.
  • stand (someone) in good stead with (someone or something)
    оказаться полезным для кого-либо \ чего-либо, пригодиться
    It will stand you in good stead with your future job if you get good education.
  • sell out (someone or something)
    предавать кого-либо \ что-либо, быть вероломным
    Margaret is obviously a bad person; she is the type that can sell out anyone for money and luxury.
  • set fire to (something)
    поджигать что-либо
    I put a few more logs and set fire to them.
  • shell out (money)
    платить деньги, раскошелиться
    Jacob shelled out a lot of money for his new car.
  • sit idly by
    лениться; сидеть и смотреть, как другие работают
    Jerome was sitting idly by while his friends were doing the packing.
  • sit well with (someone)
    радовать кого-либо, угождать
    My suggestion to go on a picnic sat well with my friends.
  • see (someone) to (somewhere)
    довести кого-либо до какого-либо места
    Every morning Stella saw her daughter to the door of the school building.
  • swelled head
    Marcia has a swelled head; she thinks that she is the most gifted person in her class.
  • stick out like a sore thumb
    выделяться, быть хорошо видным
    "Don't you think you will stick out like a sore thumb if you put on this absurd attire?"
  • set one back on one's heels
    удивить, ошеломить, шокировать кого-либо
    The news, which set my back on my heels, was announced at the interval of thirty minutes.
  • set in
    начинаться, наступать, устанавливаться
    Winter set in early that year.
  • sweep (something) under the rug/carpet
    игнорировать неприятные вещи, стараться забыть о них
    "We'd better not sweep our differences under the rug; let's discuss them."
  • stumbling block
    камень преткновения
    The price of the goods was a stumbling block in the negotiations between the sales manager and the supplier.
  • say (something) to (someone's) face
    сказать что-либо кому-либо в лицо
    I didn't like my friend's behavior at the party, and I had a good mind to say it to his face.
  • slip through (someone's) fingers
    упустить возможность, просочиться у кого-либо между пальцев
    Sally had a very good opportunity of getting a good job, but she let it slip through her fingers.
  • stand on ceremony
    придавать большое значение правилам поведения (церемониям)
    Please don't stand on ceremony; be natural and easy.
  • same to you
    то же самое относится к тебе
    "The same to you," I told my brother when he said I was absent-minded.
  • sleep on (something)
    обдумать и решить что-либо
    "I like your proposal, but I will sleep on it before I give you the answer."
  • set (something) on its ear
    заинтересовать кого-либо чем-либо
    The new project set the company on its ear. Everyone got very excited.
  • speak up for (someone or something)
    говорить в пользу, в защиту кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Jonathan is always ready to speak up for the unemployed and the homeless.
  • step on it
    ехать быстрее, поторопиться
    I was in a hurry, so I asked the taxi driver to step on it.
  • stick one's nose into (something)
    совать свой нос куда-либо, вмешиваться в чужие дела
    I wish that my roommate would stop sticking her nose into my private affairs.
  • sail right through (something)
    быстро и легко закончить что-либо
    I wasn't able to sail right through my essay; it took me a lot of time to finish it.
  • ships that pass in the night
    разойтись, как в море корабли
    Felix thought Miranda and he were like two ships that pass in the night, and he didn't hope to see her again.
  • steal a march on (someone)
    сделать что-либо украдкой, опередить кого-либо
    Mary and I were both offered a job which was vacant; I decided to go the next day, but Mary stole a march on me.
  • set (someone) back
    стоить (какую-либо сумму) кому-либо
    "How much did your new car set you back?"