Идиомы на букву S

  • slap in the face
    оскорбление, пощёчина, оплеуха
    Brett hadn't expected that Dina would refuse to go out with him; it was a slap in the face for him.
  • set the pace
    задавать темп
    The leading skier set the pace for the other skiers to follow.
  • see the world/things through rose-colored glasses
    смотреть сквозь розовые очки, видеть всё в розовом свете
    Sheila is too optimistic and she sees the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • sock away (some money)
    убирать, прятать деньги в укромное место
    I have decided to sock away some money to pay for my college education.
  • stick in (someone's) mind
    не забывать, застрять в чьей-либо голове
    The face of the dying woman stuck in my mind for many days.
  • see things
    бредить, галлюцинировать
    Allan had been drinking too much that day and by the evening started to see things.
  • see (someone) out
    проводить кого-либо из комнаты, из дома
    I was afraid to get lost in the building, so I asked my friend to see me out.
  • see the handwriting on the wall
    знать, иметь предчувствие, что что-то произойдёт
    I saw the handwriting on the wall and was aware that our small business would soon go bankrupt.
  • stick to one's guns
    не сдавать позиций, держаться стойко
    Gregory was man enough to stick to his guns.
  • skin-deep
    поверхностный, не глубокий
    Eric seems to be knowledgeable, but I am sure his knowledge is skin-deep.
  • sit at (someone's) feet
    восхищаться кем-либо
    Elvis Regan is a great singer, and I am ready to sit at his feet for ever.
  • stack the deck
    поставить в невыгодное положение, "подтасовать карты"
    Marion felt that they had stacked the deck against her, that she had never had a fair choice.
  • save (someone's) neck/skin
    спасать свою шкуру
    Jeremy had to sell his investments in order to save his neck.
  • sticky fingers
    склонность к воровству
    Little Bobby has sticky fingers, and his mother watches him all the time.
  • so clean you can eat off the floor
    очень чисто
    I did up my bedroom and it became so clean you could eat off the floor.
  • swim against the tide/current
    действовать, преодолевая сопротивление; "плыть против течения"
    I had to swim against the tide as there was a lot of opposition to my project.
  • straw in the wind
    намёк, предупреждение
    When Nick messed up with his account, it was a straw in the wind that he might be given a sack soon.
  • see fit to (do something)
    считать нужным, целесообразным делать что-либо
    Valery saw fit to devote more time to her term paper.
  • slow on the uptake
    тупой, несообразительный
    My new student is slow on the uptake, and I have to explain everything to him several times.
  • smart money is on (something)
    хорошая идея (относительно чего-либо)
    The smart money is on the government officials who decided to introduce a new tax law next year.
  • set (someone) free
    выпустить из тюрьмы или освободить из плена
    Samuel hoped that they would set him free because he hadn't committed any crime.
  • set a precedent
    устанавливать прецедент или политику, которой надо следовать в будущем
    A legal case may set a precedent that will be the policy to be followed in future cases.
  • snap at (someone)
    огрызаться на кого-либо, говорить резко или сердито
    I asked my sister to make some coffee. "I am not your slave," she snapped at me.
  • see the last of (someone or something)
    видеть кого-либо \ что-либо в последний раз
    "We have seen the last of Greg, thank God!"
  • stuck in a rut
    рутина, привычный уклад жизни
    After my father retired he was stuck in a rut.
  • stick one's head in a noose
    навредить себе, сунуть голову в петлю
    Bob borrowed a large sum of money thus sticking my head in a noose.
  • shoulder to shoulder
    плечом к плечу
    The soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder.
  • see one's way clear to (do something)
    чувствовать в себе способность делать что-либо
    I didn't see my way clear to begin writing the essay, so I decided to put it off for a while.
  • step-by-step
    постепенно, шаг за шагом
    I learnt how to drive a car step-by-step.
  • say (something) right to (someone's) face
    сказать что-либо кому-либо прямо в лицо
    I didn't like my friend's behavior at the party, and I had a good mind to say it right to his face.
  • soup up (something)
    придавать силу, увеличивать мощность чего-либо
    I decided to soup my motorcycle up, making it more powerful.
  • stand up (someone)
    не придти (на встречу, свидание)
    First Jane agreed to go out with Tim, but then she stood him up.
  • sands of time
    течение времени (как сыпется песок в песочных часах)
    The sands of time have done much to make me understand the meaning of true friendship.
  • step/tread on (someone's) toes
    задеть чьи-либо чувства, "наступить на чью-либо любимую мозоль"
    Stephan managed to step on his friends' toes and that turned his friends into his enemies.
  • steal someone's heart
    заставить кого-либо влюбиться, влюбить в себя
    Miranda is very attractive and can easily steal a man's heart.