Идиомы на букву T

  • take one's hat off to (someone)
    преклоняться перед кем-либо, выражать восхищение, снять шляпу перед кем-либо
    Zeta deserves every praise there is in the world; I take my hat off to her.
  • throw in the towel/sponge
    прекратить борьбу, сдаться, выбросить белый флаг
    When Martin saw his arguments were not being accepted, he threw in the towel and left.
  • three R's
    три составные начального образования: чтение, письмо, арифметика
    Students study the three R's in elementary school.
  • take great pains to do (something)
    делать большое, значительное усилие
    Now that Rose had enough money she took great pains to wear good clothes.
  • take the wind out of one's sails
    отбить охоту, расстроить чьи-либо планы, "выбить почву из-под ног"
    Ron applied for a job of a computer programmer but was rejected, and it took the wind out of his sails.
  • to hound (someone)
    подвергать гонениям, изводить кого-либо
    It seemed to Edna that the boss was hounding her, and she decided to quit her job.
  • take up (time)
    отнимать время
    "You have taken up quite enough of my time, Bob."
  • turn a blind eye to (someone or something)
    не замечать кого-либо \ что-либо
    Adam preferred to turn a blind eye to the "No Fishing" sign.
  • take off
    быстро или внезапно уйти, убежать
    The children were playing ball in my garden; they took off when they saw me.
  • tell (someone) off
    бранить, отчитать, распекать кого-либо
    I had meant to tell Anna off, but she didn't turn up that day.
  • take one's mind off (something)
    отвлечься от чего-либо, перестать беспокоиться
    Susan went shopping to take her mind off her family problems.
  • take the roll
    делать перекличку
    Before the teacher began the lesson she took the roll.
  • think outside the box
    представлять что-либо образно, творчески
    An imaginative and creative person is able to think outside the box.
  • to say the least
    мягко выражаясь, без всякого преувеличения, по меньшей мере
    It was not a very good party to say the least.
  • turn one's back on (someone or something)
    отказать в помощи кому-либо, отвернуться, покинуть кого-либо в беде
    Peter turned his back on his own family when they needed help.
  • talk shop
    говорить на профессиональные темы
    As they walked up the street together they began to talk shop.
  • take after (someone)
    походить на кого-либо
    Jill Aster takes after her mother; she is fair-haired and blue-eyed like Mrs. Aster.
  • talk (someone) into (doing something)
    уговорить кого-либо сделать что-либо
    I talked my friends into taking a car trip to the country.
  • take (someone's) breath away
    поразить, ошеломить кого-либо
    The unexpected news of my uncle's generosity has taken my breath away.
  • take a bow
    раскланиваться на аплодисменты, заслужить похвалу
    The singer lingered on the stage to take a bow.
  • think the world of (someone or something)
    быть очень высокого мнения о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Mrs. Summerfield thinks the world of her children.
  • to be in hot water
    быть в беде
    Emily was in hot water because of her debts.
  • take (something) for granted
    принимать что-либо как само собой разумеющееся
    Tim took it for granted that Gina was doing very well and he was relieved of further worry.
  • take (something) by storm
    взять что-либо штурмом
    It was a very bold attack; the soldiers took the terrorists' hiding-place by storm.
  • tighten one's belt
    пойти на лишения, "затянуть потуже пояс"
    When the father lost his job, the family had to tighten their belts.
  • take minutes
    вести протокол (на собрании)
    "Who is to take minutes at the meeting today?"
  • there is no such thing as a free lunch
    бесплатно ничего не получишь, "бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке"
    I have to work hard to succeed because I know there is no such thing as a free lunch.
  • take (someone) for (someone or something)
    принять кого-либо (по ошибке) за кого-либо другого или за что-либо
    "I beg your pardon. I have taken you for a friend of mine."
  • turn one's hand to (something)
    взяться за что-либо (отличное оттого, что делали ранее)
    After Mark finished writing a thriller, he turned his hand to screen plays.
  • take a toll on (someone or something)
    наносить ущерб кому-либо \ чему-либо
    The war took a heavy toll on the population of this country.
  • take a nosedive
    терпеть крах, резкий спад
    The stock market took a nosedive when the profit of the coal company decreased.
  • two's company, three's a crowd
    где двое, там третий – лишний
    I was going out with my date, and I didn't want Jim to accompany us; I told him that two's company and three's a crowd.
  • two wrongs don't make a right
    злом зла не поправишь (посл.)
    Though Lionel's words hurt my feelings I am not going to try and offend him; I am sure two wrongs don't make a right.
  • take (someone) for a ride
    поднять на смех или дурачить кого-либо
    I am afraid that Hillary has been taking me for a ride; she likes playing tricks on people.
  • take a turn for the worse
    становиться хуже
    The patient seemed to be recovering, but all of a sudden he took a turn for the worse.