Идиомы на букву T

  • take in (clothes)
    ушивать (одежду)
    "The suit would fit perfectly if you had taken in a few inches at the waist."
  • take to (something)
    начать что-либо, взяться за что-либо
    Hillary took to the work of a fashion designer and was a great success.
  • take an interest in (something)
    заинтересоваться чем-либо
    Not long ago my husband took an interest in golfing.
  • town-and-gown
    взаимоотношения между населением города и, расположенном в нём, университетом
    There are town-and-gown fights almost every year when parties are held for the new graduates.
  • take off time
    отсутствовать, взять отгул (на работе)
    I wanted to visit my parents, so I took off a few days from work.
  • take attendance
    отмечать, регистрировать присутствующих
    The Dean asked our monitor to take attendance when the students came to the lecture.
  • to hope against hope
    всё ещё надеяться; надеяться, не смотря ни на что
    The firefighters hoped against hope that they would be able to rescue the people in the house.
  • throw one's hat into the ring
    принять вызов, решить принять участие в соревнованиях или выборах
    Pauline decided to throw her hat into the ring for the election of Dean of the Arts Faculty.
  • take a hint
    понять намёк
    George is never able to take a hint and he does not behave accordingly.
  • take a hand in (something)
    принять участие в чём-либо
    I'd like to take a hand in arranging a homecoming ball at school.
  • tail between one's legs
    быть пристыженным или побеждённым
    Steve had boasted he would win the tournament, but he went home with his tail between his legs.
  • throw up
    тошнить, извергать рвотные массы
    Susan took the medicine but threw it up a minute later.
  • taken aback
    (неприятно) удивиться
    Sue was downright rude to me and I was taken aback.
  • talk (something) over
    обсудить что-либо, обговорить
    "I'd like to talk over the existing problem with you, if you don't mind."
  • take a spill
    упасть, свалиться
    Ted took a spill from the ladder when he was trying to whitewash the ceiling in the bathroom.
  • take sides
    встать на чью-либо сторону, примкнуть к той или иной стороне
    It is always safer to take sides with a stronger party.
  • talk big
    When Erick visited us, he talked big about a lot of money he was going to get soon.
  • twiddle one's thumbs
    бездельничать; сидеть, сложа руки
    I've got to be busy. I can't sit down and twiddle my thumbs.
  • take (someone or somewhere) by storm
    стать популярным, заслужить популярность у кого-либо
    The new performance of the Drama Theater took the spectators by storm.
  • turn one's nose up at (someone or something)
    отвергать кого-либо \ что-либо
    The young man turned his nose up at the chance to go to an agricultural college.
  • throw caution to the wind
    отбросить всякую осторожность
    Olaf threw caution to the wind and became very careless about what he was saying to people.
  • take the Fifth
    прибегнуть к пятой поправке (гарантирующей право не свидетельствовать против самого себя)
    He knew his right not to incriminate himself while testifying at a trial, so he decided to take the Fifth.
  • take pity on (someone or something)
    пожалеть кого-либо \ что-либо
    I took pity on the little kitten sitting in the rain and decided to take it home.
  • take it away
    начать представление
    "Let's take it away and start up the performance."
  • take a stand on (something)
    заявить свою позицию относительно чего-либо
    Lucy had to take a stand on this important matter.
  • throw money at (something)
    вложить деньги в решение чего-либо, пытаться решить проблему при помощи денег
    The local government is willing to throw much money at an environmental problem.
  • take the plunge
    сделать решительный шаг, принять серьёзное решение
    Pauline finally made up her mind to take the plunge and divorce her two-timer spouse.
  • two of a kind
    два одинаковых (человека), "два сапога пара"
    John and Jack are two of a kind and they are always seen together.
  • take (someone's) pulse
    щупать, измерять пульс
    When the doctor came, she listened to my heart and lungs and took my pulse.
  • take on (someone)
    принимать кого-либо на работу, службу
    Fanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
  • take root
    пускать корни, приживаться
    Their cause has taken root and has spread its branches far and wide.
  • take up (space or room)
    занимать место, наполнять собой
    The copying of these letters took up all day.
  • take heed
    быть осторожным, соблюдать осторожность
    Take heed when you cross the road.
  • take time off
    сделать перерыв в работе
    Sue had been studying Chinese for a couple of years before she decided to take time off.
  • turn turtle
    перевернуться вверх дном
    My tires began to slip; the car turned turtle and stopped.