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throw (someone) to the lions
взвалить ответственность за провал на кого-либо; "сделать кого-либо козлом отпущения"The company was about to go bankrupt. It was decided to throw the financial director to the lions, which was absolutely unfair.
talk turkey
серьёзно обсуждать что-либоIt's necessary to talk turkey as far as her future plans are concerned.
turn a deaf ear to (someone)
игнорировать, не слушать кого-либо \ что-либоI asked Alfred to help me, but he turned a deaf ear to my request.
think on one's feet
думать о чём-либо мимоходом"This is a very serious matter; I don't want you to think on your feet."
take (a company) public
продавать акции компании всем желающим (широкой публике)There was no any other way out; they had to take their company public in order to avoid bankruptcy.
turn up one's nose at (something)
отнестись пренебрежительно к чему-либо, "воротить нос"Sally is very choosy; she turns up her nose at many foods.
take out a loan
взять кредит, ссудуEdna had to take out a loan to buy a new house.
throw (someone) to the wolves
отдать кого-либо на растерзаниеIn order to explain the situation to the press the governor blamed the mayor and threw him to the wolves.
take (someone or something) off (someone's) hands
избавить от кого-либо \ чего-либо"Can you possibly take this problem off my hands?"
take its toll
причинять вред, ущербThe war took its toll on the nation's manhood.
two heads are better than one
одна голова хорошо, а две лучше"Let's discuss these problems between the two of us; two heads are better than one, you know."
to be on hand
(быть) в наличии, в распоряжении, имеющийся налицоThe shop has a large stock of clothes on hand.
take (someone) under one's wings
взять кого-либо под своё покровительство, "под крылышко"Diana took Moira, who was just out of high school, under her wing.
take (someone's) temperature
измерить температуруThe mother took her son's temperature and gave him some medicine to bring down the fever.
take a look at (someone or something)
взглянуть на кого-либо \ что-либоMy Mom wanted to take a look at the shoes which I had bought the other day.
turn the other cheek
подставить другую щёку, быть безответным, не мстительнымI know it was an excellent opportunity for turning the other cheek, but I didn't think of it in time.
turn off (someone)
внушать отвращение, неприязньJack has decided not to date Christine anymore - she begins to turn him off.
take the bitter with the sweet
стойко переносить превратности судьбыTheo was tough; he was able to take the bitter with the sweet.
take one's own life
покончить жизнь самоубийствомNobody knows the reason why the young man took his own life.
turn tail
поспешно уйти или броситься бежатьThe men in front of me turned tail like a dog that had been whistled home, and fled like the wind.
touch base with someone
встретиться с кем-либо и поговорить накороткеThey were ready to make a decision, but first they decided to touch base with the financial manager.
to the naked eye
на (первый) взгляд, (видеть) невооружённым глазомTo the naked eye it looked like there was little damage to the house after the explosion.
take a pay cut
понижение заработной платыThe construction workers were forced to take a pay cut after the strike.
throw the baby out with the bathwater
отвергнуть всё полностью (включая полезные вещи)There are weaknesses in the program, but if they act too hastily, they may cause the baby to be thrown out with the bathwater.
too much of a good thing
хорошего понемножку, чересчур, это уж слишкомMike's diplomacy was too much of a good thing, and I finally had to interfere to get things straight.
take a dim view of (something)
не одобрять что-либоMy father takes a dim view of my habit of sitting up late.
take to one's heels
убегать, удиратьThe boys were stealing apples from the garden and took to their heels when they saw the owner approaching them.
take exception to (something)
возражать против чего-либо, относиться неодобрительноSullivan took exception to what I said about his job performance.
tongue in cheek
насмешливо, иронично, в шуткуThe remark was made tongue in cheek, but Bill got offended.
talk down to (someone)
выставлять себя в лучшем свете (перед кем-либо)Jane is the smartest student in her class, but she never talks down to her friends or classmates.
ten to one
весьма вероятноTen to one George will never come to see Donna again.
time after time
раз за разом, неоднократноI have told my younger brother time after time not to tamper with my papers.
talk back to (someone)
возражать, дерзить кому-либоBob is a naughty boy; he always talks back to his parents.
take leave of one's senses
сойти с ума, потерять рассудок, обезуметьMy brother had taken my car without my permission; I got angry and told him he had taken leave of his senses.
turn over a new leaf
(в корне) измениться, начать всё с началаAfter the divorce Margaret decided to turn over a new leaf and be happy again.