Идиомы на букву R

  • rap (someone's) knuckles
    высказать порицание кому-либо
    My boss rapped my knuckles for taking long coffee breaks.
  • rap with (someone)
    потолковать, поболтать с кем-либо
    Mrs. Partisan likes to pass the time rapping with her neighbors.
  • rare bird
    необычный, неординарный (человек)
    I think Bob is a rare bird; his ideas are always unusual.
  • rarin' to go
    испытывать жажду деятельности
    I was rarin' to go after the encouragement my athletics coach gave me.
  • rat on (someone)
    выдать кого-либо, рассказав о неприглядном поведении; донести
    I asked my sister not to tell Mother about the spoilt carpet, but she ratted on me.
  • rat out on (someone)
    бросить кого-либо в беде, предать
    My best friend ratted out on me at a critical time, and I am not going to forgive him his betrayal.
  • rat race
    жизнь, как бесконечная гонка и отчаянная борьба за успех; "крысиные бега"
    Working and living in a big city is too much of a rat race that's why Sandra is not satisfied with her life in New-York.
  • rate with (someone)
    быть благосклонным к кому-либо
    As far as I know Sally doesn't rate with any of the students in her class; she is too arrogant and highbrow.
  • rattle (something) off
    рассказать что-либо наизусть (быстро и точно); "отбарабанить"
    The boy rattled off the speech which he had learnt by heart.
  • ravished with delight
    испытывать счастье, приходить в восторг
    Jill was ravished with delight when she had received a grant to go overseas to do her research.
  • raw deal
    несправедливо суровое отношение
    Ron got a raw deal; he was treated unfairly, I am sure.
  • RCMP
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police - королевская конная полиция Канады
    There was a movie on TV about the RCMP, and it was quite interesting.
  • reach a compromise
    достигнуть компромисса
    The trade union tried very hard to reach a compromise with the owners of the factory.
  • reach a stalemate
    зайти в тупик
    The negotiations reached a stalemate, and it will be difficult to start them again.
  • reach an agreement
    достигнуть соглашения
    They reached an agreement to supply equipment from the USA.
  • reach an impasse
    зайти в тупик
    The negotiations on the independence of that small country have reached an impasse.
  • reach first base
    сделать главный шаг навстречу кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Jameson was not able to reach first base with his partner.
  • reach for the sky
    ставить большие цели
    I think Jenny is reaching for the sky in her desire to be at the top of the class.
  • reach one's stride
    добиться высокого профессионального уровня
    George Arrows has finally reached his stride as a very good computer programmer.
  • read (someone's) lips
    внимательно слушать кого-либо и верить тому, что говориться
    The teacher told the students to read her lips and listen carefully to what she was saying.
  • read (someone's) mind
    читать чьи-либо мысли
    I tried to read my father's mind, but I couldn't make out what he was thinking about my new job.
  • read (someone) his or her rights
    ознакомить кого-либо со своими правами (при аресте)
    The police officer read the burglar his rights before he was taken to jail.
  • read (someone) like an open book
    прекрасно понимать кого-либо
    Emily, who read her husband like an open book, pretended that she didn't suspect anything.
  • read (something) into (something)
    придавать чему-либо какое-либо значение
    I decided not to read anything into the recent actions of my boss.
  • read (something) over
    прочесть от начала до конца
    Ivory read the documents over carefully before signing them.
  • read (something) through
    прочесть, дочитать до конца
    She read the typed letter through again.
  • read between the lines
    читать между строк
    Millicent might have read between the lines; she might have had more knowledge about her husband's character.
  • read out loud
    читать вслух
    His letter was read out loud to us.
  • read the handwriting on the wall
    предвидеть что-либо (подмечая детали и намёки)
    I could easily read the handwriting on the wall, and I knew beforehand what was going to happen to our firm.
  • read the riot act (to someone)
    строго предупредить кого-либо
    The mother read the riot act to the kids; she told them that if they didn't stop making noise, they'd get it hot.
  • read to oneself
    читать про себя
    I saw her lips moving as she was reading to herself.
  • read up on (someone or something)
    изучать что-либо, читать соответствующую литературу
    Since he had never paid much attention to either history or economics Ben had to read up on both subjects before taking the exams.
  • ready, willing, and able
    сильно желающий, жаждущий сделать что-либо
    After the terrible hurricane a lot of people were ready, willing, and able to help the local population.
  • real McCoy
    подлинная вещь
    Jim was sure that the picture he had bought at the auction was the real McCoy.
  • real thing
    первоклассная вещь, не подделка
    This small oriental box is the real thing and is very valuable.