Идиомы на букву R
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rock the boat
подвергать опасности, ставить под удар чьи-либо планы, надежды"Don't rock the boat; you'll only make things worse."
rich in (something)
быть богатым чем-либо (полезными ископаемыми, традициями и т.д.)Russia is rich in many mineral resources.
read between the lines
читать между строкMillicent might have read between the lines; she might have had more knowledge about her husband's character.
rat out on (someone)
бросить кого-либо в беде, предатьMy best friend ratted out on me at a critical time, and I am not going to forgive him his betrayal.
rain check
бесплатный билет на ранее отложенное мероприятиеThey were given a rain check for the performance that was cancelled because of the death of the leading actor.
rake in the money
зарабатывать много денег, "купаться в деньгах"Though Jake is raking in the money he is very stingy.
right off the bat
сразу, немедленно, "с места в карьер"As soon as the students came to school, they were told right off the bat that they would take a test that day.
read (someone) like an open book
прекрасно понимать кого-либоEmily, who read her husband like an open book, pretended that she didn't suspect anything.
rooted to the spot
прирасти к месту, не двигатьсяOn seeing Desmond lying dead on the floor Mandy got rooted to the spot.
roll up one's sleeves
засучить рукава, приготовиться к серьёзной работеWe had to roll up our sleeves to help clean the house from top to bottom.
ruffle (someone's) feathers
расстраивать или раздражать кого-либо"I do not want to ruffle your feathers, but there are policemen who have come to see you."
ring in the New Year
встречать Новый Год"Where are you going to ring in the New Year?"
rub (someone) the wrong way
злить кого-либо, раздражатьOlaf's insolence and rude behavior constantly rubs me the wrong way.
ride the gravy train
наживаться, получать незаконные доходы, "загребать барыши"He had been able to ride the gravy train and make a lot of money selling drugs before he was arrested.
red ink
долгThat small business had much red ink because of the softening of economy.
Rise and shine!
Вставай и принимайся за дело!The phone rang at six in the morning. "Rise and shine!" my friend called to me. I felt I could kill him then and there.
right hand does not know what the left hand is doing
правая рука не знает, что делает левая, отсутствие согласованностиI am sorry to say but there isn't any appropriate communication in the company that's why the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
raise/wave a white flag
сдаться, выкинуть белый флагDuring the discussion I understood that I would have to raise a white flag and give up arguing.
run around like a chicken with its head cut off
бегать как сумасшедший, метатьсяJoe spent the day running around like a chicken with its head cut off when he discovered that he had lost important documents.
не очень хороший, сделанный кое-как, на скорую рукуThe house was of the rough-and-ready order, but it suited our purpose.
race against time
стремление выиграть времяIt was a race against time as I was trying to meet the grant requirements.
ride on (someone's) coattails
зависеть от другого человека (о счастье, успехе и т.д.)It seems as if this actress is riding on the coattails of her producer and thus hopes to achieve great popularity.
road hog
водитель, мешающий проезду другого транспортаLeo is a regular road-hog; he always uses more than his share of the road.
rear its ugly head
(что-либо неприятное) вновь становиться очевиднымThe problem of cockroaches has reared its ugly head in my apartment again.
run for one's life
бежать изо всех сил, спасаться бегствомThe cat ran for its life and vanished among some shrubs.
red cent
небольшая сумма денег, "медный грош"I wanted to buy a boat from Tom, but it looked so shabby that I would not give a red cent for it.
run into (someone)
случайно встретиться с кем-либо, столкнутьсяIn Rome I ran into a friend of mine who was on holiday there too.
обычный, заурядныйThe pizza hut downtown is a run-of-the-mill thing, but we like it all the same.
rare bird
необычный, неординарный (человек)I think Bob is a rare bird; his ideas are always unusual.
raise a hand
пошевелить рукой (чтобы помочь), делать часть работыJordan didn't raise a hand to do his share of the work, so I had to do everything all by myself.
run hot and cold
быть противоречивымThe reviews of the new performance are running hot and cold, and I am not sure if I will go to see it.
rule the roost
распоряжаться, задавать тон, хозяйничатьThere's no doubt who rules the roost in this house.
run a meeting
вести собраниеVery few people are capable of running a meeting very well.
ram (something) down (someone's) throat
навязывать кому-либо что-либо (своё мнение, взгляды)"I don't want you to ram your notions down my throat."
rub salt in (someone's) wound
растравлять чью-либо рану, сыпать соль на рануHugo's wife rubbed salt in his wound for having broken their car.