Идиомы на букву T

  • take on (an employee)
    нанять, взять кого-либо на работу
    Fanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
  • time is ripe
    пришло время
    Cathy thought the time was ripe to tell her mother about the broken vase.
  • take it upon oneself to (do something)
    брать на себя ответственность
    "You can't possibly take it upon yourself to make such a serious decision."
  • turn the tables on (someone)
    поменяться ролями с кем-либо
    Mark had to turn the tables on his opponent to save himself.
  • turn on one's heel
    круто повернуться
    Jonathan turned on his heel and dashed out of the room.
  • tidy sum of money
    довольно большая сумма денег
    Samuel decided to sell his shop and hoped to get a tidy sum of money from the sale.
  • take shape
    принять форму, воплотиться, оформиться
    Suspicion of a frame-up began to take shape in their mind.
  • to the letter
    в точности, беспрекословно
    When filling in a document, you should follow the instructions to the letter.
  • turn out
    оказаться, придти
    The day turned out to be warm and clear.
  • take issue with (someone)
    вести дискуссию, спорить с кем-либо
    I am ready to take issue with you on this point.
  • take a trip
    отправиться в путешествие, поездку
    I took a trip to the Himalayas last summer.
  • take precedence over (someone or something)
    иметь первоочерёдность, преимущество перед кем-либо \ чем-либо
    The rights of handicapped people take precedence over the rights of healthy people.
  • throw (something) back in (someone's) face
    ответить, отплатить кому-либо тем же
    Ivory insulted me and I immediately threw the insult back in his face.
  • take the money and run
    принять предложенное пока предложение в силе
    Bill planned to take the money and run as he was not sure that he would be given any more money for the settlement of his car accident.
  • tug at (someone's) heartstrings
    заставить кого-либо испытывать жалость, сочувствие
    Seeing two helpless little kittens in a cardboard box outside, tugged at my heartstrings.
  • take kindly to (someone or something)
    быть довольным кем-либо \ чем-либо
    I don't take kindly to people who try to impose their opinions on me.
  • take on too much
    брать на себя слишком много (работы, заданий)
    I don't want my mother to take on too much house work.
  • thumbnail sketch
    краткое описание кого-либо \чего-либо
    All the books of this author include a thumbnail sketch of the plot.
  • toss a salad
    заправить салат
    I tossed the salad and we sat down to dinner.
  • take the stand
    занять место свидетеля (в зале суда)
    Berth took the stand in the murder trial yesterday.
  • take one's own medicine
    принять заслуженное наказание, не жалуясь
    Criticizing others is one thing; taking one's own medicine is something different.
  • to be under a cloud (of suspicion)
    быть под подозрением
    It was hinted that Pat and Pam were drug dealers and were under a cloud of suspicion.
  • take place
    "Where will the meeting take place? Do you know?"
  • take (something) out on (someone or something)
    выместить что-либо (гнев, страх) на ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Hob came home angry at losing his job and took it out on his wife.
  • take on (something)
    загружать, брать груз
    The huge jet took a lot of cargo on board.
  • take (someone) down a notch/peg or two
    осадить кого-либо, сбить спесь
    Rita started to put on airs, and David decided to take her down a peg or two.
  • throw oneself at/on the mercy of the court
    просить помилования, пощады
    The man threw himself at the mercy of his captors.
  • take it
    понимать что-либо
    "I take it that you are not going to help me. Am I right?"
  • turn a profit
    получать прибыль
    Our company has been turning a profit since it opened two years ago.
  • through the grapevine
    (услышать, узнать) от других людей
    We heard it through the grapevine that Jill is to be promoted soon.
  • throw the book at (someone)
    сурово наказать кого-либо
    Because it was the third time Sam Jordan had been caught speeding, the judge threw the book at him.
  • take a gander at (someone or something)
    взглянуть на кого-либо \ что-либо
    I asked my friend to take a gander at my computer.
  • take (someone) hostage
    взять кого-либо в заложники
    The hijackers took the passengers of the jet hostage and demanded one million dollars as a ransom.
  • talk in circles
    говорить одно и тоже, "толочь воду в ступе"
    "Stop talking in circles; tell me straight what you want me to do."
  • to kick off (something)
    начинать что-либо, запускать
    The new project was kicked off that day.