Идиомы на букву S

  • split one's sides (with laughter)
    надрываться от смеха, "лопнуть со смеху"
    "I'll tell you a good story which will split your sides with laughter."
  • split the difference
    идти на компромисс, соглашаться, делить поровну
    My friend and I decided to rent a room and split the difference.
  • split ticket
    бюллетень с несколькими кандидатами от различных партий
    During the election I am going to vote for a split ticket, that is, for candidates from more than one political party.
  • split up
    разойтись, прекратить отношения по взаимному согласию
    Our company split up due to the founder's untimely death.
  • splitting headache
    ужасная головная боль
    The other day I had a splitting headache, so I took some medicine to kill the pain.
  • splurge on (something)
    потратить много денег на что-либо
    They splurged on a beautiful new house in the suburbs of Toronto.
  • spoken for
    разобраны, зарезервированы
    During a holiday season most of the railway tickets are spoken for.
  • spook (someone)
    пугать, испугать кого-либо
    My dog is afraid of thunder storms and they always spook him.
  • spoon-feed (someone)
    чрезмерно опекать кого-либо, "кормить с ложки"
    The young mother is too considerate and literally spoon-feeds her ten-year-old daughter.
  • sport of kings
    скачки (спорт королей)
    Horse racing or the sport of kings is very popular in the U.K.
  • sporting chance
    достаточно хороший шанс
    I doubt that Glide has a sporting chance of finding a good job.
  • spout off about (someone or something)
    слишком много говорить о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    Pamela is fond of spouting off about her baby son.
  • spread like wildfire
    распространяться быстро и бесконтрольно, как огонь
    During the very first signs of the earthquake the panic spread like wildfire throughout the area.
  • spread one's wings
    стать независимым, расправить крылья
    Sam decided to become independent; he wants to spread his wings and try to do something on his own.
  • spread oneself too thin
    пытаться делать слишком много одновременно
    Never try to spread yourself too thin if you want to accomplish much.
  • spring (something) on (someone)
    удивить кого-либо чем-либо, преподнести неожиданность
    My sister is going to immigrate to Iran; I wish she hadn't sprung her crazy plans on me.
  • spring for (something)
    купить что-либо, заплатить за что-либо
    Our TV set got broken and we decided to spring for a new one.
  • spruce (something) up
    приводить в порядок, наводить блеск
    They must have spruced up their house for now it looks spick and span.
  • square accounts with (someone)
    рассчитываться, улаживать финансовые дела с кем-либо
    I didn't trust Jack and had no intention to square accounts with him.
  • square away (something)
    привести что-либо в порядок, уладить
    I had no time to square away my private affairs; I wanted to take care of them later.
  • square deal
    честная сделка
    Mr. Lancaster is a decent man, and you will receive a square deal if you do business with him.
  • square meal
    сытная еда
    In English families dinner, which is eaten between 6 and 7, is usually a square meal.
  • square off to do (something)
    принять боевую стойку, приготовиться (спорить или драться)
    The two dogs squared off to fight for their own territory.
  • square one
    самое начало
    Mike didn't remember Physics, so he had to go back to square one and start learning the subject again.
  • square peg in a round hole
    человек не на своём месте, человек не подходящий для данной работы
    Mark has filled the position of a sales manager, but he is like a square peg in a round hole.
  • square things up with (someone)
    отдать долг, рассчитаться с кем-либо
    Bob is reluctant to square things up with me and give me the money that he had borrowed.
  • square up to (someone or something)
    смело противостоять кому-либо \ чему-либо
    "It's time you learned to square up to difficulties and problems and sort them out yourself."
  • squawk about (something)
    громко жаловаться на что-либо
    Mona is the type of person who likes to squawk about everything.
  • squeak by (someone or something)
    еле-еле успеть; подступиться к кому-либо \ чему-либо
    Unfortunately I was not able to squeak by the deadline and submit my grant application on time.
  • squirrel (something) away
    сделать запас (заначку) чего-либо
    I sometimes have to squirrel some extra money away so that I can use it later.
  • squirrel away (some money)
    припрятать деньги, откладывать
    I sometimes have to squirrel some extra money away so that I can use it later.
  • stab (someone) in the back
    предавать, клеветать за спиной, "всадить нож в спину"
    I can never again trust Kelly because she tried to stab me in the back.
  • stack the cards/deck for or against (someone or something)
    настроить кого-либо за или против
    Marion felt that they had stacked the cards against her, that she had never had a fair choice.
  • stack the deck
    поставить в невыгодное положение, "подтасовать карты"
    Marion felt that they had stacked the deck against her, that she had never had a fair choice.
  • stack up (something)
    складывать что-либо
    I stacked up the used newspapers to throw them away.