Идиомы на букву S

  • sound as if
    это звучит так, как будто
    "It sounds as if you were going to quit your present job."
  • sound like (something)
    кажется что …
    It sounds like David is cross with you because you didn't call him yesterday.
  • sound like a broken record
    повторять, твердить одно и тоже
    Mrs. Larkin sounded like a broken record when she told her husband to clear the mess in his den.
  • sound off about (something)
    говорить что-либо громко, во всё услышание
    Tim's brother is always sounding off about his lack of money.
  • soup up (something)
    придавать силу, увеличивать мощность чего-либо
    I decided to soup my motorcycle up, making it more powerful.
  • sow one's wild oats
    прожигать молодость, совершать необдуманные поступки
    Paul wasn't one of those young men who sowed his wild oats; he was a fairly decent youth.
  • spaced out
    бессвязно (говорить), быть в замешательстве, как будто одурманенный наркотиками
    Max was totally spaced out when his father asked him about the broken car.
  • spare (someone) (something)
    пощадить кого-то (чтобы не слушать что-либо)
    "I wish you could spare me your complaints; I am in no mood to listen to them."
  • speak for (something)
    попросить что-либо, выразить просьбу
    It was very cold in the hospital ward, and the patients spoke for hot water bottles.
  • speak for itself/themselves
    говорить само за себя
    The book needs no recom mendation. The author and the title speak for themselves.
  • speak highly of (someone or something)
    хорошо отзываться о ком-либо \ чём-либо
    The students spoke highly of their new tutor.
  • speak ill of (someone)
    плохо отзываться о ком-либо
    The tenants spoke ill of their apartment manager.
  • speak of the devil (and he appears)
    лёгок на помине
    "Speak of the devil and he appears," I said as Jimmy, who we were talking about, appeared in the doorway.
  • speak off the cuff
    выступать, говорить без подготовки
    Mr. Trent prefers to speak off the cuff at the meetings of any kind.
  • speak one's mind
    откровенно высказать кому-либо что-либо
    I am going to speak my mind and tell my boss about the shortcomings in our work.
  • speak one's piece/mind
    откровенно высказать кому-либо своё неодобрение
    I am going to speak my mind and tell my boss about the shortcomings in our work.
  • speak out of turn
    говорить невпопад
    Maria is in the habit of speaking out of turn when the teacher asks her questions.
  • speak out on/about (something)
    откровенно высказаться о чём-либо
    Sam was reluctant to speak out on the subject of money.
  • speak the same language
    иметь общие идеи, вкусы, мнения говорить на одном языке
    Unfortunately my cousin and I seldom speak the same language.
  • speak up
    говорить громко и отчётливо
    "I'd like you to speak up so that everybody in class can hear you."
  • speak up for (someone or something)
    говорить в пользу, в защиту кого-либо \ чего-либо
    Jonathan is always ready to speak up for the unemployed and the homeless.
  • speak with a forked tongue
    I suspect that Mark speaks with a forked tongue that's why everyone distrusts him.
  • spell (something) out
    объяснять что-либо очень ясно, простым языком
    Mrs. Grove spelled out the conditions for renting her cottage very clearly indeed.
  • spell trouble
    быть признаком грядущих неприятностей
    The leakage in the roof might spell trouble for the coming rainy season.
  • spick-and-span
    очень чистый, опрятный
    Gilda takes good care of her house; it is always spick-and-span.
  • spill the beans
    выдать секрет
    My friend spilled the beans about my smoking though he had promised not to tell my Mom about it.
  • spin (something) off
    создать побочный продукт
    The Microsoft will probably spin off some computer games as their by-product.
  • spin a yarn
    сочинять небылицы, привирать
    Rick liked girls who could talk books and spin a yarn.
  • spin one's wheels
    крутиться, кружиться (но мало что сделать)
    Cora was spinning her wheels all day but didn't get much done.
  • spit in (someone's) eye
    оскорблять или раздражать кого-либо
    His remarks insulted me as if someone had spit in my eye.
  • spit up (something)
    выплюнуть что-либо
    My cat tried to swallow a bone, but I made her spit it up.
  • spitting image of (someone)
    точная копия кого-либо
    Clara's son is a spitting image of her husband.
  • split (someone) up
    отделить кого-либо, разделить, разделиться,
    The guide split the hikers up into two groups.
  • split (something) fifty-fifty
    разделить что-либо поровну
    "Let's split the household jobs fifty-fifty."
  • split hairs
    вдаваться в чрезмерные тонкости, спорить о мелочах
    "Pray don't let us be splitting hairs or there will never be the end of our dispute."